April Fool Messages, Jokes Pranks for Wife

Wife April Fool Messages

Every husband loves to tease his wife and 1st April is one of the best times when husband has all the liberty to play a prank on his wife or simply send a hilarious April fool text message, April fools day message to her. After reading these funny and cute April fool quotes, your wife is going to smile.

So use the sample text messages given below to brighten your wife’s day with these unique lovely April fool wishes quotes that help you say everything you want…

April Fool  Messages, Facebook Status Jokes Pranks For Wife

1. You are so caring, so cute and love you forever. I have a good sense of humor.

2. I asked for a wife and God gave me “You”. I have to be with you for a lifetime.

3. I may forget to wish you on your birthday or our anniversary, but not on April first.

4. I am privileged to wish the queen of fools on this special day.

5. I have been praising you for your cooking skills all throughout the year, do I really need to wish you only on April 1st

6. I always carry your beautiful picture in my wallet. When I am surrounded with problems, I take it out to have a look at you and say to myself that if I can deal with you, I can deal with any trouble.

6. When you come closer to the mirror, it says beautiful…beautiful. And when you go away from the mirror, it says April Fool… April Fool…. HAHAHAA

7. If you come across people calling you pretty, gorgeous, smart and charming then don’t trust them as they are simply fooling you as it is 1st April…

8. I think it has been long, we haven’t gone out on a date. Let’s go out on a romantic dinner and I will say those three magical words to you…. Pay The Bill… J

9. Last night I had a severe headache and the doctor advised that I should send a text message to someone who is the most stupid of all and I will be fine. And know what I am feeling much better.

Use these cute example text messages to send funny April fool day wishes to your wife.

More April Fools Messages, Wishes, Sayings and Quotes

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