Sorry Messages to Girlfriend

Sorry Messages Girlfriend

The sorry messages for the loving girlfriend can be sent to her to ask for forgiveness or apologize for any wrong deed done or for hurting the girlfriend. The sorry wishes should be written with chosen heart touching notes which expresses the real essence of forgiveness seeking by the boyfriend. The messages can be sent through text messages to make the girlfriend feel the real essence depicted by them. Following are some of the samples of sorry messages to girlfriend examples sent in different ways:

Long Sorry Messages for Girlfriend

The long sorry messages include long length messages written which are sent to the girlfriend for asking for forgiveness. The wishes are long as they are written with added notes along with the sorry seeking words describing the feelings. The sweet and romantic messages should make her feel the true essence of the sorry seeking.

“To my beautiful lady love, I am extremely sorry that I hurt you today morning by making fun of you in front of everyone. I am too much ashamed at myself and also guilty that I could do that deed. I seek utter forgiveness from you and hope you will forgive me soon for the wrong doing.”

Sorry Love Messages for Girlfriend

The sorry love messages express both the love feelings as well as the forgiveness seeking words from the boyfriend. The cute sorry love wishes are sent for forgiveness for any wrong action of him. The messages can be sent through text messages for her to make her feel the real essence of it.

“For my girlfriend, through this message I seek forgiveness for the wrong deed of making you pay for the wrong debt of mine. I am sorry for the same with all my heart and I love you a lot than anything. I hope you will forgive me.”

Sorry Messages for Ex Girlfriend

An Ex girlfriend is someone with whom a boy was in a relationship earlier. The ex boyfriend and girlfriend couple may still be in communication with each other and may seek forgiveness for any improper or wrong doing action by the boyfriend. The funny messages can be sent through text messages which depict the real meaning of the forgiveness seeking.

“To my ex girlfriend, I am extremely sorry that I hurt you by keeping you waiting the last time we met yesterday and didn’t turn up. I am very sorry and guilty for keeping you waiting and ask for forgiveness for the same. I hope you will forgive me.”

Heart Touching Sorry Messages for Girlfriend

The heart touching sorry messages includes heart touching words of choice which seek emotions her by making her feel emotional. The sweet wishes can be sent through best text messages which depict the forgiveness seeking.

“My dear girlfriend, it was you all the time, to have showed me the right path if I went in the wrong direction. It was you who showed me my mistakes and gave me the right action course. I am sorry and seek forgiveness for the wrong deed done yesterday and hope you will forgive me.”

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