Working with people in your office, you build a very lovely relationship and your coworker plays an important role in your work. But, when the person sits next to you is retiring, you will definitely miss him/her and want to give such gifts that make smiles to your coworker’s face. Send a sweet farewell message to your coworker and bring back those old memories you spend together. Your message brings out your emotion and desire.
Here a beautiful collection of retirement farewell message samples for coworker is essayed below:
1). It is very rare to get a friend in a colleague, but you are one among those rare ones. Sharing pressure and smiles, we made many memories together, I always remember you and miss you too.”
2). It is true, you have sacrificed a lot to achieve the position where you are, but time has come to gain everything; push your wishing limit and make each one true; no pressure and no work, only relax and enjoy. Happy retirement.
3). You are retiring and it seems I losses the institution of inspiration; you give hope to give the best, you give smile to be happy always, I miss you so much, but the life ahead of you has so much to explore. Happy retirements.
4). Look back to your past, there is a sense of achievement and success. You have given your efforts to lead the goal to its place and now the time says now fun and enjoyment are your new goal to be achieved.
5). From now on be your own boss; say goodbye to time schedule; office hours, project submission and welcome a carefree life with luxury and fun. Enjoy the life in its each beat and sense your living being. Happy retirement.