Graduation party is conducted to celebrate the successful passing out of graduation, be it from high school or college. The graduation party is special for the student as well as the parents as the student completes a phase of his career and enters into another.
Find excellent samples of invitation messages for graduation party to send listed below:
1). For a cute cousin, join me in the graduation party I am throwing at my place next week. Arrive to have lots of fun and frolic with classmates and friends in the awesome blast.
2). To dear friend, join me in the graduation party I am throwing for success at graduation. I invite you personally with love and hope to see you.
3). For a dear cousin, I invite you to the graduation party at my residence. I have earned much success in graduation and hope to celebrate with you in the party.
4). I invite you to my graduation party through this text dear friend. I hope you will arrive for the celebration of my success and give me lovely gifts.
5). Through this text, I invite you to my graduation party at my residence tomorrow. I look forward to you joining me in the celebration of my success.