Funny Graduation Messages for Family

Funny Graduation Messages for Family

Funny graduation wishes for family are humorous and are sent to the family when one of their members has passed out graduation. The funny graduation messages are meant to bring smile on the faces of the family and make them happier for the success. The wishes can be sent through cards with funny characters or also through graduation messages with funny smiley.

List of samples of funny graduation messages for family with example:

1). Dear family, I wish to inform you all about my graduation success. It is time you all gift me with presents for the success as last time I didn’t get anything on my high school success.

2). Dearest family, I wish to let you all know about my graduation success. I hope to receive beautiful gifts from you all and love this best occasion I get to earn gifts.

3). Lovely family, be prepared to pamper me for my great graduation success. I would be home only if you all pamper me with gifts and care.

4). Sweet family, I wish to thank you and inform you about my graduation. I would expect a huge party for that as I missed all the occasion last year for any partying.

5). Dear family, thank you for the graduation success you provided through encouragement. Now you can tell all about the one and only graduate from the family.

Funny Graduation Messages for Family

6). Though I have always given you a shock of life but today I have surprised you all by graduating….. Happy Graduation to my family.

7). Graduation is something which was always on my mind and I have it possible with my biggest support system.

8). To the family who has always been there to criticize me, nag me but also support me, this graduation has been possible with all your love.

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