A wedding means stepping up to the new life with your loved one, so a wedding congratulation message is common to wish your friends, family, sister and loved ones a very happy wedding. The message brings out your emotion and it expresses your happiness. The words of the message congratulate one for the wedding and it presents your best wishes. Add your personal touch to the message and make the moment special. Here, we present a beautiful collection of congratulation message examples for wedding. If you are searching for the ideas, you can check it here.
Congratulations Messages for Wedding Anniversary
If there is any wedding anniversary in coming days, you can write a beautiful congratulation message to wish your close ones a very happy anniversary. The message can be fun loving or emotional, depending on your mood. Write your text message to congratulate them.
“I wish you both a very happy anniversary. You are the true example of a loving couple who is made for each other. Always stay together, share your love and emotion and make your journey smoother with love.”
Congratulations Messages for Wedding Invitation
Congratulate your close ones for their wedding and give a thank you note for the invitation. Your message gives them the best wishes for the future and the message expresses your emotion on hearing this good news. Your message can make the moment special to you.
“Wedding is a bonding that binds you together with your love. I congratulate you for stepping up a new life together. With the years, you bonding grew stronger. I wish the love you cherish lasts in your life forever.”
Christian Congratulations Messages for Wedding
Give your best wishes to your close ones for their marriage in the Christian religion. Wish your loved one a happy wedding and express your feelings through the words. Add your personal though in the message and makes it special.
“May you cross the long way of life together. Whatever you have, share with each other. May your love always be young. I wish you a very happy wedding and may the Lord give his blessing to both of you forever.”
Wedding Congratulations Messages to Parents of Bride
Congratulate the parents of bride for celebrating the most precious moment of their life. Your congratulation message tells them they are perfect parents who look after each and every responsibility of their child. Write a beautiful text message and share your joy with them.
“I congratulate you for enjoying a very special moment in your life. Your daughter is definitely proud of you of having such beautiful parents. You grew up your child and now time to make a perfect pair for her. Congratulation for your daughter’s wedding.”
Wedding Congratulations Messages for Coworker
Give your best wishes to congratulate your coworker for his/her wedding. Your message gives the best of the luck for the future journey and the words of the message wishes him/her for the wedding. The message brings the emotion of love.
“I congratulate you for becoming one to two. Being together and live your life in love. Enjoy the new life by sharing, caring and loving. Match your step with your partner, the life will be rhythmic. Happy wedding.”