If you are enjoying a vacation and you need to inform your office and colleagues about your leave, you can simply go for the vacation away message for mail and that can be set up earlier. You can choose the automated reply message that informs the people who mail you during your vacation. The message can be informal and formal both, depending upon its purpose. The message tells about your vacation and its related information.
A collection of vacation away message for email is presented below:
1). I would like to inform you that I am away right now and I cannot contact you as I have very limited access of the internet here. I will reach you once I back to my vacation. In case of any urgency, you can contact others.
2). Away from work, I am going to enjoy a vacation, but you are requested not to call or message me as I don’t want to get stressed during my happy days of life. Hope you understand and bye.
3). My boat is floating on the wave of the files and the work project. I am in the middle of the sea, I am disconnected from any kind of network, so those who constantly email me, their request is rejected. Once my boat gets land, I am back to the work.
4). Thank you for your mail, but I regret I would not give any response to your mail as I am away from work and family. It is the vacation time and I am just enjoying it. If it is urgent, then free to ask anything to others.
5). I am out of work on a vacation and it may not be possible for me to check mail every day. So you are requested to inform others in case of any urgency. I will contact you once I get back to the work.
6). This is to inform you that I am on a vacation leave and I cannot take any work right now. Contact my secretary if you want to leave a message or finding any solution. Hope you can deal with your issue perfectly before my arriving.
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