The loss of a sister is immeasurable for any family. it is more grief for the siblings as the sisters are close siblings. the condolence wishes are sent to the siblings and the family members of the sister to express their sympathy and show their care for the sibling and family. the condolence wishes for the siblings can be sent through cards along with notes and letters expressing their care sent to them. One can also record the condolence wishes on a DVD and send it to the siblings. Apart from that, sending the condolences through text messages for the siblings can also be done. Following are some of the samples of condolence messages for sister examples sent in different ways:
Condolence Messages for Sister in Law
the loss of a sister in law, who is the new member of the family is extremely painful for the family members and especially for the husband who has to live all his life alone. The condolence wishes for the family can be sent through text messages or cards for the siblings who grieve over the loss. The messages would show the care and would comfort them in all the way they can.
“I offer my deepest condolences for the loss of your sister in law and her untimely death. I pray to Lord to shower you and your family with all the strength to cope up with the loss and to go on through the difficult times.”
Condolence Message for Friends Sister Death
A friend’s sister is one of the closest people for the friend. And an untimely death of the friend’s sister would bring immeasurable grief for the friend. As such, sending condolence wishes for the friend through cards with notes for the friend would comfort him or her and show the care by the sender friend.
“I offer my deepest condolence wishes for the loss of your sister my friend. I pray to Lord to give you all the strength and support from your family in these rough times.”
Condolence Messages for Loss of Sister
The loss of a sister is the most painful thing for a sibling who fails to cope up with the loss best quickly. A condolence wish for the sibling would comfort him or her and would help to heal through the loss faster.
“Through this card, I offer my deepest condolences for untimely loss of your sister. I hope you get all the strength you need to sail through this touch time and get on with your life like before.”
Sample Miscellaneous Condolence Messages for Sister:
“I send my heartfelt sympathy and condolences for the death of your sister. Let Lord shower you with strength to sail through this rough times and gather yourself up with your life like before.”
“Dear friend, I send you my condolences for the death of your sister and pray to the Lord to give you strength to bear the loss hope you get all the support you need during this time.”
“Your sister in law was an amicable and a beautiful person and her untimely loss has brought utmost grief for all. I hope you and your family has all the support and strength to bear with the loss.”
“For the loss of a sister so good and kind, I send my utmost condolences to you and your family to have the strength to cope up with the loss and the rough times.”