For a husband, nothing can be much painful and grieving than the loss of a wife. The loss brings utmost grief for the husband and his family who mourns over the death and the loss. The husband, whose life partner was the wife, would now have to live his life all alone with his only life partner departing him for Heaven. The condolence wishes for the loss of the wife are sent to the husband and his family to show sympathy over the loss and to show the care and support for the family. The condolence wishes for the loss of wife can be sent through text messages and cards for the husband along with notes templates for the family. One can also record a condolence video for the husband and send it on a DVD. Following are some of the samples of condolence messages for wife examples sent in different ways:
Condolence Message for Boss Wife
A boss losing his wife would affect not only him and his family but also the office which would mourn the loss together. After the loss of the wife, the boss would be grieving and sad in office which would affect the workers in the organization. The condolences by the workers and employees would best comfort him and show him the care for him by the employees.
“Dear boss, in this rough time we all are with you with all our support and we send our condolences to you and your family to be able to cope up with the loss of your wife. We pray the Lord to give you the strength to overcome this loss and carry on with your life.”
Condolence Messages for Wife Loss
A wife loss would shatter the husband making him lose the power to think ahead in life. As such condolence wishes for the husband would show him the care the people has for him and also give him comfort and sympathy to be able to overcome the loss.
“I send my deepest condolences for the loss of your wife and pray to the Lord to give you strength to be able to bear the loss and set sail through this rough time. I hope you get all the support you need.”
Condolence Messages for Wife the Loss of a Father
For a wife, the loss of her father would make her sad enough to be numb to not be able to think anything else about life. As such, the support and condolence from a husband would make the wife strong and be able to go on with life back to normalcy. The condolence wishes for the wife for the loss of her father can be sent through text messages and cards with notes of love and support for her.
“Wife, through this card, I send my deepest condolences for the loss of your father and pray to the Lord to give you strength to overcome this loss and bring you back to normalcy to be able to set sail into life like before.”
Sample Miscellaneous condolence messages for wife:
“I extend my deepest condolences for the loss of your wife. I hope you get all the support from your family and the strength to overcome this loss.”
“I extend my heartfelt condolences dear wife for the loss of your father and I am always there by your side with the support during this tough time. I hope you gather all the strength to set sail into life like before.”
“Boss, I send my deepest condolences for the loss of your wife and our organization is always there for you with all the support during this rough time. I hope you get all the strength you need.”
“I extend my heartfelt condolence wishes for the loss of your wife. I pray to the Lord to give you the strength to be able to cope up with the loss and be back to life.”