When you are away from your work, you need to inform your colleagues and superior that you are out of work for some reasons. You can send a professional away message to them and can inform them that you won’t be able to handle a charge as you are away from the work. The message gives the details of your departure or arriving date so that your office can arrange a substitute of yours. If you are informing your clients, then you mention the name of person, who looks after the matter in your absence.
A list of professional work away message samples is essayed below:
1). I would like to thank you for your message, but I regret I won’t help you right now as I am unavailable from [departure date] to [arriving date]. If you have any kind of urgency in between, kindly contact the other person in office.
2). I am out of work for a few days, so it will not possible to look after the work. I would request you to contact my secretary for any kind of information. He will assist you the best. If you are still not satisfied, I will contact you once I get back to work.
3). I am on a leave and I cannot answer your message as I have limited access of network here. If the matter is very much essential, then do not hesitate to contact other employees in the office. I am sure they will be happy to help you.
4). I appreciate your cooperation and once again I request you to cooperate with us. As I am unavailable, I cannot look after your matter. If you want, you can contact others to solve the problem; else you are requested to wait for some days.
5). Thank you for your message. I am out of work for 5 days and cannot contact you in between. If you need any kind of immediate assistance, ask for my secretary. I will contact you, once I resume my work. Thank you and hope you consider this.
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