Funny Baby Shower Message to Daughter

Funny Baby Shower Message to Daughter

Funny baby shower wishes are sent to the daughter to make her feel happy and bring a smile to her lips. The funny wishes can be sent on a card with a funny character drawn with the wishes. One can also create a funny video for the daughter and send it to her. The funny wishes from her dear parents would make her feel much happier on her special day than she ever was.

Some of the samples of funny baby shower messages to daughter are given below:

1). Dear daughter, I invite you to the baby shower occasion of the son of my daughter in law. It will be a chance to see how much fat or thin you have become from your last visit.

2). Dearest daughter, I send my heartfelt thankful wishes for the beautiful baby shower gift dress. I am afraid it would last more than few years as it is much longer.

3). Lovely daughter, I send my invitation for the baby shower occasion of my granddaughter. Do bring gifts for me also since you would be coming after a long time.

4). Sweet daughter, do come to the baby shower occasion of my grandson next Tuesday at our residence. Do not forget to bring gifts for me, as I love your choice of things for me.

5). Daughter, I send my thankful wishes for the baby shower gift for my grandson. I hope the gift remains well and intact until your next visit considering the mischief nature of him.

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