A church is a sacred place for worship and a religious place for Christians. However, a church welcomes all devotees irrespective of religion, caste, creed and race. There are regular mass prayers conducted in a church where many people come on Sundays for the prayers. The welcome wishes for a church are sent to different people to welcome them to the church for the prayers and the religious meetings held in the church. The welcome wishes for church can be sent through text messages or through cards for the people. One can also upload a church photograph on a social networking site and send the welcome wishes there or send a video clip recording the welcome wishes. Following are some of the sample of welcome messages for church sent in different ways:
Welcome Messages for Church Bulletins
Church bulletins convey news and messages about the church to the general people. The bulletins also convey the changes made any to the church to the people. The welcome wishes for the church bulletin can be sent with photographs of the church and the notes on a card along with the church bulletin.
“I welcome you all people through the church bulletin to the church and the Sunday mass prayers. Come together and join me in praying Lord Jesus for making this world a peaceful and a better place.”
Welcome Messages for Church Visitors
Church visitors come to church almost every day to offer their prayers to Lord and ask for blessings for a prosperous life. The welcome wishes for the church visitors can be sent out through welcome cards to every visitor as he or she comes to church. One can also send text messages to each church visitor to welcome them to Sunday mass prayers.
“Dear church visitors, through this beautiful card I welcome you all to the church for the Sunday prayers every week. I would appreciate your accepting my proposal and joining me in praying the Lord.”
Welcome Messages for Church Signs
Church signs are signboards and billboard signs near a church where welcome wishes and templates for people can be written. One can also keep cards with welcome wishes for the people near church signs for one to take and have a look. Or else, welcome wishes and sayings in the church sign boards can also be given.
“Welcome to St. Joseph’s Church for the mass prayers and the feast for all to be held in the church. Join one and all for this celebration and prayer meetings for the Lord.”
Welcome Message to New Church Members
New church member are the ones who visit the church for the first time or join a church recently. The new church members come and join the prayer meetings and speeches where they learn information about the church and the rituals which are held in the church regularly.
“To all the new church members, I extend my good wishes and welcome you to the prayer mass to be held this Sunday. I welcome you to join the church and pray to Lord Jesus for blessings of joy and prosperity.”
Welcome message for church website
A church website has pictures and information about a particular church. The church website also has information on the different festivals held in the church as well as about the rituals the church conducts.
“Welcome to St. Mary’s Church and join us in regular prayer mass held every Sunday. Come together to celebrate the festivals of Easter and Christmas held with great festivity in the church.”