Sample Holiday Messages

happy holiday messages

Cute and sweet holiday messages are sent to someone during a holiday. People who are on holiday can be sent messages to wish them for a wonderful holiday or conveying messages to come up and meet during the holiday. Messages sent during holiday are good for contacting as persons get time to relax and visit people during the holidays. The messages can be sent by a simple text message, a card, and postcard or also through social networking sites.

Some of the best sample of holiday text message sent to different people are:

Holiday Messages for Friends

Holidays are a great time to catch up with friends who may not be in contact for a long time. Holidays are time to relax and have fun and as such catching up with friends during holiday and hanging out is a good way.

“Let your holiday be fun filled and you have memorable moments of happiness. I hope you have a great time with friends and family this holiday. Have a happy holiday.”

Happy Holiday Messages to Employees

Employees celebrate and look forward to a holiday more than anything else. After days of working and living the same regular routine, a holiday is something an employee in an organization looks forward to. It is the time they get chance to relax and spend time with family and friends.

“Happy holiday my friend to you and your family. May this holiday time bring in moments of joy and moments filled with fun. “

Holiday Messages for Customers

Customers are an asset for a storekeeper. It is the loyalty and belief of the customers that keep a store running. During holidays though the store loses out customers for some time, yet they do not forget to wish them as they head for their holidays. Holiday season also means deals and sales for the customers laid out by the stores.

“Holidays are a time of immense fun and great moments of joy. May this holiday season be fantastic and you have the best holiday time you’ve ever had.”

Holiday Messages for Family

Families look out for holidays to get together and enjoy the holidays. Holidays mean quality time with families and moments of fun all around. Be it visiting a trip to an exotic place, visiting relatives or families, holidays are fun.

“Let your holiday be a time for visiting us and your loved ones celebrating moments of joy and fun together. Have a happy holiday time ahead.”

Holiday Messages for Business

Holidays are a part of recreational breaks available in every business company or firms. The businesses too need breaks from their hectic schedules and constant deals. The holiday wishes are sent to different businesses to inform them about the breaks or to wish them for a better holiday retreat. One can also send gifts along with the holiday wishes to the businesses to make them enjoy the holidays well.

“Dear business firm, I announce the holiday break for the entire next week as a part of recreational period. I hope all the employees would have an enjoyable retreat break.”

Happy Holiday Messages to Clients

Clients of a company look forward to holiday deals which the company business provides the clients. The company also provides special offers to customers during holidays as a part of business promotions and keeping the clients hooked to their services.

“Holidays are a way of getting together with friends and family and having fun all around. Let this holiday season be a blockbuster with moments of happiness. Have a happy holiday ahead.”

Holiday Messages to Students

Students look forward to holidays eagerly as they get a break from the regular monotonous regime of classes. The holiday season brings in chances of catching up with relatives and family for the students who stay far from home.

“Get together with your friends and family this holiday season and have a great time of fun filled moments. Have a joyous holiday ahead.”

Holiday Messages for Office

An office and its people love a holiday as a break from the regular routine. Though not a long holiday, a short holiday too is dreams come true for the office as the employees get time to spend time with families.

“Holidays are a best time to get along with friends and family. Let this holiday season be a best moment for you as you gel with families as well as friends. Have a fantastic holiday.”

Holiday Messages for Staff

Staff needs a holiday to get a break. The holiday season brings in moments of time spent with families and also to visit relatives and loved ones.

“Let this holiday time be filled with happy moments as you enjoy with friends and family. Have a fabulous holiday.”

Holiday Messages for Kids

Kids just love the holiday season and eagerly wait for it. Holiday means vacationing, visiting loved ones and playing all day for the kids.

“Spend this holiday enjoying time with family and friends and enjoy the best of the season having fun. Have a happy holiday.”

Holiday Greeting Messages for Boss

Holidays are a break time for bosses too who look forward to chill out from work and spend time with family and friends. In addition to spending time they also go for vacations to beautiful places. Employees send messages through text and tweets to bosses to have a happy time ahead.

“Let this holiday season be the best with moments of joy and fun. Have a fabulous holiday time ahead.”

Republic Day Messages

Republic Day is a symbol of our democracy and we are celebrating this day as our liberation. As a responsible citizen, we should include family, friends and surroundings in the celebration of this important day of our country to make everyone feel proud.

“Think of our past and promise you can build a better future for all. This day brought smiles to everyone’s face a long year ago and our task is to broaden that happiness in the coming years. Wish you a Happy Republic Day.”

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