Sad Break up Messages to Him

Sad Break up Messages to Him

The sad break up messages for him are sent to let the guy know how much sad the sweet sender is over the breaking up of the relationship between them both. The best break up wishes can be sent to the guy through text messages along with comforting notes which would help to overcome the sadness soon.

Some of the sample of sad messages are given below that can be sent to him.

1). It is time to say goodbye to you. I have always loved you and now my heart no longer wants to love you. Time has changed and so have you. I hope you accept this fact soon and without much sadness

2). I never thought that my feelings for you will change. It’s sad to let you know that I have decided to end our relation here. It’s not your fault or mine. Let’s forget and move on.

3). My feelings for you were not unreal. I loved you from the bottom of my heart. But I have realized that we both are very different. Don’t take this with much grief as I no longer feel that we should continue our relationship.

4). Breaking up our relationship will be very painful. It is sad that this day has come into our lives. I never imagined moving on without you. But now I will have to.

5). You were always my priority in life but I guess you had something else in your mind. I will always miss the good times we spent together. Just want to let you know that I have decided to move on without you.

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