Proposal Message for Love

Love Proposal Message

When you love someone, you definitely want to propose him/her to express your love. The best way to open up your heart to the loved one is sending a sweet and beautiful romantic message. Your message brings out your emotion of love and tells him/her that you always want to be with your love of life. The words come from your heart and express your true desire. If you are planning to propose someone who you love, then look for our collection of proposal message samples for love and bring out your emotion in your way.

Love Proposal Messages for Her

You love a girl, but hesitate to tell her, then write a love proposal message to express your emotion to her. The words present your feelings in a very sweet way and it also makes her realize how much you love her. Your proposal message brings out your emotion of love.

“My heart goes mad for your love, in its every beat it says only about you; but when you are with me, I don’t know why it is scared to say I love you. It is true that you are the love of my life and I want to be with you forever.”

Heart Touching Love Proposal Messages

Proposing your love is a difficult thing, but through message, you can write about your feelings to your loved one. Send a heart touching love proposal message and express your love to him/her. The words of the message present your thought.

“I promise you I never let you alone wherever you are in the world. Our love can win any fights and any problems and do not fear from the world. I promise I spend my rest of the life holding your hand. I love you.”

Indirect Love Proposal Messages

Do you want to know the feelings of your loved one to you? Then, send an indirect love proposal to him/her. The words express your love, but not in a straight manner to know the emotion of another. Your indirect love proposal message can do a magic.

“I was missing something in my life, but I didn’t know what is it? One day I saw you and I find what I missed. It is my smile which I get in your face.”

First Love Proposal Messages

When you fall in love with someone, your first love should be expressed romantically. Write a love proposal message and present your emotion through words. Your message tells him/her about your feelings.

“A new feeling I felt, which I never have it before; it gives me the wing to fly in the air and it gives me the color of rainbow to paint my life. The feeling is love and you are the reason of this. ”

Visit us now to read & share propose day wishes messages for boyfriend and girlfriend.

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