Personal Wedding Invitation Messages for Friends

Personal Wedding Invitation Messages for Friends

Personal wedding invitations are sent to the special friends who are invited with gifts along with the invitation cards or invitation videos. The personal wedding invitations are sent to best friends and close friends by the host.

Some of the good samples of personal wedding invitations to send to lovely friends are listed below:

1). For dear friend, I send this personal wedding invitation especially for you to arrive at my wedding next week. I look forward to you joining me in celebrating love.

2). To my special friend, sending this personal wedding invitation at my wedding this Sunday at my residence. I hope you will arrive and make this friend of yours happier on the special day.

3). To a sweet friend, I send the personal wedding invitation of my son this week. Do arrive and bless the couple for their matrimony bliss and togetherness.

4). This text carries personal wedding invitation to my cute friend to be held at the Phoenix tomorrow. I hope you will arrive and make us and the wedding couple happier.

5). Through this text, I send the personal wedding invitation of my son’s wedding tomorrow. I eagerly look forward to your arrival and presence in the wedding whole day.

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  • saranya August 7, 2016, 7:01 pm

    welcome kavi
