Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayak Jayanti, is an important Hindu festival. All Hindus across the country celebrate birthday of Lord Ganesh for 10 days. Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on 7 September this year. Ganesh Chaturthi messages are shared with family and friends and even employees and business associates. With Happy Ganesh Chaturthi quotes and inspirational Ganesh Chaturthi wishes messages for friends, you can wish everyone around.
Explore the lovely collection of Ganesh Chaturthi wishes in Hindi and English. Ganesh Chaturthi wishes messages for family Members and business for Facebook, WhatsApp share messages are given below for to send your best wishes.
Ganesh Chaturthi Messages, Wishes, Quotes for Business
1. May this Ganesh Chaturthi bring to you many more opportunities to grow and prosper…. May Lord Ganesh is always there to bless you in your new ventures…. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!!
2. May the destroyer of evil always bless you with more wisdom, more chances to grow, more positivity and good fortune…. Wishing a very Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to you.
3. With the blessings of Ganpati, no problems are big and no targets are hard to achieve…. Best wishes on Ganesh Chaturthi for a prosperous business.
4. Ganesha is about new beginnings, wisdom and success…. On the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, we wish you many more success stories and opportunities to grow!!!
5. Challenges are easier to face when you have Lord Ganesha is guiding you….. May this Ganesh Chaturthi bring in your life good fortune and prosperity. Jai Shree Ganesh!!!
Happy Vinayaka and Ganesh Chaturthi Messages, Wishes in Hindi
6. Haath jod kar karein Shree Ganesh ka naman aur paayein unka aashirvad…. Ganesh Chaturthi ke is paavan parv par, unke ashirvad se karein ek nayi shuruat.
7. Jiske saath hain Vighan Harta hain wo bhagyashali hain…. Jipar Ganpati ka haath hai, uske liye fikr ki nahin hai koi baat…. Ganesh Chaturthi ki hardik shubhkamnayein.
8. Mushkilen ho unke chuhe ki jitni, buddhi ho unki samajhdari jitni, avsar ho unki bhook jaise bade….. Ganesh Chaturthi ke avsar par bahut sari badhaiyan!!!
9. Koi bhi kaam Ganesh ki Vandana aur archana ke bina adhura hai….. Ganesh ka roop har kamiyabi mein hai, har taraki mein hai……. Ganesh Chaturthi lekar aaye aapke liye naya rang!!!
10. Jab hai humare saath Ganpati ka vishwas aur pyaar toh koi bhi chunauti jeet jayenge itna bharosa hai humare paas…. Ganpati Jayanti ki hardik shubhkamnayein!!!
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Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes in Hindi
Lord Ganesha Blessing Quotes
Vinayaka Messages for Students
Ganesh Chaturthi Messages for Employees
Ganesh Chaturthi Facebook and Whatsapp Status