Funny Take Care Messages for Lover

Funny Take Care text Messages for Lover

Funny take care messages for the lover are humour filled and are sent to the lover through text messages. The funny take care messages include funnier quotes and smileys for the lover which will bring a smile on his or her face. The wishes would make the lover feel happier.

Given below samples of funnier take care messages for the affectionate lover which would bring a hearty smile:

1). Dear lover, I hope you are taking good care of yourself and the family. It would be much a loss of the treat I promised you if I get to know that you are not in proper care again.

2). To my lover, I hope you are arriving today evening at the Palms for the party. Do take care and come safely to the venue in the dress I gifted you.

3). Take care my sweetest lover as I eagerly look forward to seeing you in the gorgeous outfit you purchased. I send my love and a beautiful gift just to make you happier.

4). Sending loving take care wishes for my lover through this text. I hope you remember to bring me the memento I have been looking for failing which I would forget the treat I promised.

5). This text carries my love and take care wishes for my lover. Sweetheart, do bring in money for my birthday party as I expect it as a gift expressing your love for me.

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