Funny baby shower wishes for twins are humorous and are meant to make the mother smile away. The funny wishes can be sent through cards where a funny character can be drawn with the funny baby shower wish written on it. One can also create a funny baby shower for twin wish video for the mother to cherish.
Browse the funny baby shower messages for twins with sample listed below:
1). Dear twins, I hope your parents have a special arrangement party for me next time I come since I missed your baby shower event. I send you heartiest wishes for the occasion.
2). Dearest twins, kindly tell your parents to arrange return mementos for me as I want them. I send my love and good wishes for the occasion.
3). Lovely twins, I send heartfelt baby shower wishes for the occasion and hope there is a good variety of food provided that I skipped my lovely office party today for it.
4). Sweet twins, heartiest baby shower wishes for you both. I want a good welcome considering I am the chief guest whom your parents urged me to come in any way.
5). Cute twins, I send my love and beautiful wishes for the baby shower occasion. I hope your parents have the music and barbeque as promised during the invitation.