Facebook is the largest social networking site which is accessed by millions of users every day. The site facilitates online chat and online communication between users on the site. The romantic flirty messages on the social networking site Facebook are sent through text messages on the site. The wishes would make the guy feel good and include flirty quotes for him.
Good samples of flirty and dirty messages examples to send to a guy on Facebook:
1). Dear guy, I send my love and a beautiful photograph of you on Facebook to make you day wonderful. I wish I were in that photo hugging you tightly to make my day mesmerising.
2). Dearest guy, sending you good wishes for a lovely day through Facebook. I wish you notice my lovely status and the quote I have written especially for you dear.
3). Sweet guy, I wish I were the beautiful lucky shirt you wear every Sunday to church. Through Facebook, I extend my heartfelt wishes for you.
4). Dear guy, extending my love and heart touching wishes along with love for you. How I wish I were the dear card I gave you which you have in your bedroom.
5). Cute guy, I send my love and I wish I were the lovely ice cream to kiss you whenever you have it. I send my love and wishes for a day filled with cheerful moments through Facebook.