Facebook Messages for Friends

Funny Facebook Messages for Friends

The Facebook messages for friends are sent through the social networking site. One can send best wishes messages, birthday wishes or other personal wishes and messages to the friends through chats or by uploading them on the status wall. The friends also share motivational quotes on statuses or share each other’s opinions as well as raise awareness among friends for any activity. Some of the samples of Facebook messages for friends’ examples are given below:

Facebook Birthday Messages for Friends

A friend’s birthday is an occasion for celebration and partying. Friends send birthday wishes to one another through Facebook chats or also upload the wishes on their status walls. The birthday wishes can also be sent through text messages on friend’s mobiles.

“I wish you a happy birthday my lovely friend. As you step into another year of your life, I wish lots of happiness and joyful celebration on your birthday and for all days to come.”

Christmas Facebook Messages for Friends

Wishes for Christmas can also be sent through Facebook on chats or by uploading Christmas photograph with wishes on the status wall. One can also send Christmas wishes through text messages for the friends. The wishes would make the friends happy and feel good about it. For Christmas time, when friends look forward to celebrate together, sending funny wishes for them is the best way to greet them for the festival.

“For my friends, I wish you all a merry Christmas filled with joyous celebrative moments and merry making. Let us welcome Lord Jesus with love as he descends unto earth to bless us all.”

Facebook Status Messages for Friends

Facebook status messages are uploaded and posted on the status wall of networking site Facebook. The messages for friends can be any personal one or to wish the friend on birthday or greet best wishes for the day. One can also upload a beautiful photograph along with the status message to make it look better.

“For all my friends, I wish you a good morning filled with brighter moments throughout the day. I hope you have a good day and your aspirations for the day turn out to be true.”

Facebook Messages from non Friends

Non friends are those whom one may not know as a person but are friends on Facebook site. There are also non friends whom one can send messages even if he or she is not Facebook friends. The messages can be sent through chats on Facebook or can also be posted on the wall if allowed.

“For my non friend, I send best wishes for a fabulous day. I hope your day turns out to be the best with good and happier moments throughout. Have a good day.”

Sample Miscellaneous Facebook messages for friends:

“For my best friend, I wish you a happy birthday. As you step into a new year of life, I wish all your dreams come true and your birthday celebration be the best of all.”

“Best wishes for a better future my no friend. I wish your aspirations in life come true to the best of it and you have a prosperous luck.”

“For all my Facebook friends, I wish you all a good morning filled with beautiful moments of happiness and success throughout your day. Have a brighter day ahead.”

“A Christmas wish for my sweet friend and wish you have a marvelous Christmas celebration with loved ones. A merry Christmas to you. “

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  • Gordhanram November 19, 2015, 4:19 pm

    Okay thanks for your

  • maryam January 13, 2016, 1:56 pm

    Nic one

  • maryam January 13, 2016, 1:57 pm

    Very very nice
