Break up Messages for Friends

Friends Break up Messages

Break up messages for friends are sent to the friends to let them know about ending up the friendship bond. The messages can be sent through texts for the friend to let him or her know about it. The messages can be sent along with notes for the friend to make him or her feel less sad. The break up messages may make the friend sad or despair over the news. Some of the samples of break up messages for friends sent in different ways are given below:

Friendship Break Up Messages for Friends

The friendship break up messages is sent to the friends to let them know about breaking friendship bond between friends. The sweet messages can be sent through text messages to the friend to let him or her know about it.

“To my cute friend, I send you this text messages to let you know that I am breaking up the friendship bond between us due to the bad experience of the misunderstanding quarrel that happened between you and me.”

Break up Status Messages for Friends

Break up status messages for friends are status messages uploaded on social networking site Facebook. Facebook is one of the largest social networking sites where millions of users have their account and they make friends on the social site. The best break up status messages are written for everyone with whom the user wishes to break the friendship bond with.

“For my friends on Facebook, I wish to end my friendship with you and am deleting you from my friends list. I hope you understand it is completely a personal choice of with whom I would want to be friends with.”

Sorry Break up Messages for Friends

The sorry break up messages for friends are sent through text messages to the friends. The wishes say sorry to the friends with whom the sender has broken friendship bond with. The wishes can be sent along with gifts for the friends or notes for them to make them feel less sad.

“For my funny friends, I am sorry that I broke up the friendship bond with you. It is entirely a personal decision and I do not wish to continue any further friendship relationship with you all due to the recent quarrel. I hope you all understand.”

Sample Miscellaneous break up messages for friends:

“My friend, I am sorry I am breaking up the special friendship bond with you that we shared together. Due to the recent spate of misunderstanding, I realized it is better to not remain as friends.”

“Dear friends, I am breaking up the friendship relation with you all and I hope you will accept my decision. It is a personal choice of not remaining friends with you all again. “

“My friends on Facebook, I send this message to you that I wish to end the friendship relationship we shared on this social site. I am no more interested in continuing the bond and am deleting all of you on the site.”

“Friends on Facebook, I am ending this long term friendship association and deleting you all from my friends list. It is a purely personal choice.”

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