A baby shower is a much special occasion for the parents as they get ready to welcome their new member of the family into the world. A baby shower is the first step of welcoming a baby into earth. Friends and guests who arrive for the baby shower congratulate the expecting mother and also bless both the mother and soon to be born child for their good. The best baby shower wishes for parents can be sent through text messages or also through social networking sites. One can also send wishes through cards and other gifts.
Let us see some of the sample of sweet baby shower wishes for parents sent in different ways:
Baby Shower Messages for New Parents
A baby shower occasion for new parents is much special as they prepare to welcome their first child into this world. With dreams for their child and many plans for the child’s upbringing, the new parents celebrate the baby shower very beautifully. The baby shower wishes for the new parents can be beautifully written on a card or through any video clip to make their day much special and beautiful.
“Wish you a happy baby shower to the new would be parents as you prepare for welcoming the little bundle of joy into the world. I wish you both all the love and prosperity in the world.”
Sweet Baby Shower Messages to Parents
The sweet baby shower wishes for parents are sweet and lovely for the parents to be. The sweet and lovely messages include sweet notes for the parents to make them feel special and loved. The wishes can be sent through a lovely card with the wish and the sweet notes on it. One can also make a beautiful video or a photo slide video of the beautiful moments of the parents and gift them.
“Congratulations to both the parents on the baby shower occasion. May your baby be graceful and lovely like both of you and shine to make lives brighter. I wish you all the love and prosperity for days to come.”
Funny Baby Shower Messages to Parents
Funny baby shower wishes are humorous wishes which are meant to bring smile to the face of the parents. The funny baby shower wishes can be sent through a card with a beautiful funny character drawn with the message.
“Congratulations to the expecting parents. Have happy times of nappy changing and sleepless nights in near future. I wish you all the good luck for the effort needed.”
Sample of Other Miscellaneous baby shower messages to parents
“For the new parents, as they get ready to welcome a new member in their family, through this lovely card I wish you lots of love and happiness on your baby shower and for years to come.”
“Two becomes three and work becomes tenfold. Gear up with energy and effort to welcome and take care of the soon to be arriving new member. Have a happy baby shower. “
“Dear parents, I wish you both a happy baby shower ceremony. I am much thrilled to welcome the baby in our loving family to be a part of the love we all share so deeply.”
“Hearty congratulations to the lovely parents on preparing to bring home a new lovely member. Have a happy and blessed baby shower day.”
“A new bundle of joy in your family and your happiness will be tenfold. Have a joyous baby shower day.”