World Senior Citizen Day Messages and Quotes – 21 August

World Senior Citizen Day Messages

World Senior Citizen Day falls on 21st August every year. On this special day, a mega event is organized in order to felicitate senior citizens over 80 years of age. This is the day which celebrates the wisdom and work of senior citizens by honoring them, supporting them and motivating them. World Senior Citizen Day is here. Use this day to wish senior citizens around you and bring a sweet smile to their faces. You can also share and send World Elders Day greeting messages, wishes to your friends and family.

Here is the best collection of World Senior Citizen Day Quotes and inspirational Senior Citizens Day messages that help you wish such worthy people in the loveliest way….

World Senior Citizens Day Messages, Wishes

1). We are lucky to have such thoughtful, experienced and motivating generation with us who is always there for us to guide us…. Wishing you a very Happy World Senior Citizen Day.

2). World Senior Citizen Day is a reminder that we must value the senior citizens around us as they are the ones who have worked hard to give us this wonderful life. Happy World Senior Citizen Day.

3). Let us celebrate World Senior Citizen Day by honoring each and every senior citizen around us, by thanking them for helping us grow in so many ways…. Warm wishes on World Senior Citizen Day.

4). World Senior Citizen Day is a very special day as it celebrates the senior generation who has always worked hard to make our lives better…. Best wishes on World Senior Citizen Day.

5). When I look at you, I am inspired to be a better human and a more hard working soul because you have made age just a number and life an inspiration. Happy World Senior Citizen Day.

6). Life is precious and you motivate us to make the best and most of it. Thanks for being so amazing so inspire so many like us. Wishing you a very Happy World Senior Citizen Day to you.

7). For people who are full of life and hope, life opens up new doors and then they live like invincible heroes. You are truly a hero and a true inspiration. Happy World Senior Citizen Day.

8). When I see you, I see my ideal because you teach me to never give up and always be ready to face new challenges in life. Sending best of my wishes on World Senior Citizen Day to you.

9). Age is for those who get affected by it and not for those who live like a king and you are the real king who is still young and inspiring at 80. Wishing you a very Happy World Senior Citizen Day.

10). If life is a challenge then you are the hero because only real life heroes fight and survive bright and happy at 80. Thanks for being so inspiring for generations to come. Happy World Senior Citizen Day.

Respect World Senior Citizens Quotes

“Always respect the senior citizens not only because they are elder to us but they are far more experienced and truly make the best teachers in the world!!!”

“Wisdom doesn’t come easy and accumulate it in little amount, some grey hair on your head is the small price you have to pay for it….. So always respect the senior citizens.”

“We are always asked to respect senior citizens because they are elder to us and also because they are wise and they have seen life from the angles we have missed.”

Inspirational Senior Citizen Quotes in Hindi

“Senior citizen sirf thoda aur zyada buddha hi nahi hota par saath mein thoda aur zyada samajhdar aur thoda aur zyada anubhavi bhi hota hai.”

“Unko ye dar nahi ki ab maut unke aur kareeb hai par unko sirf ye dar hai ki dhalti umar ke saath unki khane- peeni ki azadi, ghumne- firne ki azadi, apni sharto par jeene ki azadi chhin jaayegi.”

“Senior citizen umar mein bhadne ke saath saath, Jeevan ke anubhavon mein bhi bhadta hai, sehen shakti mein bhi bhadta hai…. Bass jo ghata hai wo uske paas bacha hua samay aur uski yaddasht.”

Inspirational Messages for Senior Citizens

“Life is a journey and you should always take pride in having such a long and beautiful journey. Happy Senior Citizens Day.”

“The life you have lived is a compilation of many good and bad stories that you have written with the people who were a part of your life. Warm wishes on Senior Citizens Day.”

“A big age number only reflects that you are truly rich in experiences and in knowledge. Wishing a very Happy Senior Citizens Day.”

Senior Citizen Day Greeting Cards Messages

“Senior citizens of a country are the ones who can truly tell how much we have progressed. Wishing them a very Happy Senior Citizens Day.”

“Let us learn whatever we can from our senior citizens because they have so many experiences and so much knowledge to give us. Happy Senior Citizens Day.”

“The occasion of Senior Citizens Day reminds us that we must always value our citizens. Wishing our senior citizens a very Happy Senior Citizens Day.”

Best Slogan for World Senior Citizens Day

“You don’t get just a little oldie but at the same time you also become just a little golide because old is gold.”

“In your life, your years are not counted but what is counted is the life that you have added to your years.

“After working hard for so many years, senior citizens must retire with dignity and smile on their faces.”

Funny Senior Citizen Jokes

“Stars are like fake teeth as they both come out only at night.”

“I always knew that I am going to grow old but I always wonder that all of that happened way too fast.”

“Getting old can be really very funny because you become hard of hearing and also hard of speaking loud.”

“You know you are old when think before you eat or drink and your medicines are much higher in quantity than your food.”

This page was last modified on Saturday, August 17, 2024

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