Voting is not just our right but it is also one of the most important duties. Therefore, it is important for us to vote and also motivate everyone around us to vote. Share the inspiring voting captions for Instagram with the voters. Motivate the first time voters with first time voting captions. You can even add a little humor to this serious subject with funny captions for voting in order to motivate everyone around you to get out of their houses and vote.
Shared below is the collection of short voting captions for Instagram, Happy Election Day Messages. Use the vote captions for WhatsApp and Instagram to post on your wall in order to inspire people to vote in order to elect their government.
Good Voting Captions for Instagram
Each and every vote is precious because each and every vote counts.
Even one vote has the power to change the power.
Voting is the right of each and every citizen.
If we wish to bring the change, we have to vote.
Never ever take your right to vote lightly.
Check this : Voter Registration Day Messages
Cute First Time Voting Captions
There is something energizing about first time voting.
First time voting will always be special.
First time voting makes us feel so big.
Never ever miss a chance to cast your first vote.
Make your first time voting memorable by taking the right decision.
Funny Voting Captions for Instagram
Voting a fool makes you a fool too.
It is sad to see that the world is full of foolish voters.
Missing on your chance to vote is the stupid thing to do.
If you think your vote does not matter, you are mistaken.
Knowing which candidate to vote demands a lot of research.
Vote Captions for Whatsapp
Voting is a citizen’s way of participating in bringing the leader to the throne.
Voting gives a common man the biggest power in hands.
Vote because we need to bring in the good change in our nation.
Always take your voting rights seriously.
You cannot love your country if you do not vote.