People who arrive at the funeral bring funeral flowers to place on the wreath of the departed. The funeral flowers are also brought to decorate the dead body carrying van. One can send the wishes for the funeral flowers through text messages for the concerned person.
Following are good samples of thank you messages to convey for the funeral flowers decorated in the rituals:
1). Thank you friend for arranging the funeral flowers on my father’s memorial service. I accept your support during this tough time am facing.
2). Thanks to my cousin for the funeral flowers on my mother’s obituary. It is much kind of you to have helped me in arranging the service in such a short notice.
3). I thank my friend for helping me out in getting the funeral flowers for the procession. I am grateful to have such a supportive buddy like you in my life.
4). Thanking my dear sister for the funeral flowers for the wreath on my mother’s memorial service. Your assistance in getting the floral tributes in time was a great help.
5). I extend my thankfulness to my sweet brother for arranging the funeral flowers for the interment. You are truly a good and an understanding soul.