Engagement is bringing two persons into a committed relationship which culminates into marriage in the long run. An engagement includes exchange of rings between the couple and the people who attend the engagement bring in gifts for the couple. The thankful wishes are sent through text messages for them.
Find attractive samples of thank you messages for the engagement gifts presented by near and dear ones:
1). Thank you friend for the engagement gift you presented. I am happy to have you beside me at the ceremony and send my love for you.
2). I thank my friend for the engagement gift of the beautiful dress I always wanted. I would sure wear it on my ceremony and send pictures to you.
3). Thanks to my sister for the precious engagement gift. I would treasure it all my life and send you a memento as a token of appreciation.
4). Thanking my cousin for the lovely engagement gift. Your presence in the ceremony is highly awaited and I look forward to seeing you soon.
5). Much thanks to my brother for the engagement gift sent from miles away. I would expect your arrival soon at the ceremony to be beside me.