Send beautiful housewarming greetings to loved ones when they purchase a new home to make them feel happy. Housewarming wishes are sent to a person to congratulate or to send thoughtful greetings to a person on purchase of a new home. The wishes can be sent through text messages. One can also send flowers for the person along with messages on cards to make the occasion more special.
Find lovely samples of housewarming card messages when ending flowers for loved ones examples listed below:
1).This sweet card carries lovely housewarming wishes for my dear relative. I would like to send flowers and offer my congratulations and love for the purchase of your dream home.
2). Through this text dear uncle, I send my heartfelt housewarming wishes and flowers for you. I am extremely happy on hearing about your purchase of the new home.
3). Dear aunt, enchanting flowers and heartiest housewarming wishes for the new home. I received your invitation and am much excited and happy that you bought your dream home and have decorated it with all your love.
4). Lovely and funny housewarming wishes for my dear cousin on the occasion of new house purchase. I send my love and beautiful flowers for you to decorate in the new home.
5). Dearest Susie, heartfelt housewarming wishes you way through this card. I send flowers and gifts for you to decorate in your new home sweetheart.