Greeting cards have always been very special because they express the emotions and feelings in words in a beautiful way and that’s the reason we celebrate Card Reading Day every year on February 21st. This day gives all of a chance to take out the cards from our dear ones and read them. But before that make sure that you remind everyone around you with Card Reading Day Messages for boyfriend, girlfriend/ wife, husband, friends and lover. Send your warm wishes with Card Reading Day greeting messages.
Shared below is a wonderful collection of Card Reading Day Messages and Card Reading Day greeting cards to share on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram.
Card Reading Day Messages Greetings and Quotes
“It is time to reconnect with the beautiful memories that always bring happiness to your soul. Warm wishes on Card Reading Day.”
“You will always feel so happy and touched when you look back into times. Wishing a very Happy Card Reading Day to you. Don’t forget to read your cards.”
“Greeting cards are like a treasure and on Card Reading Day, take out this treasure to read them and feel happy about them. Happy Card Reading Day.”
“Wishing a very Happy Card Reading Day to everyone. Ditch everything else and get lost in the memory lanes with card reading.”
“When you feel rejected and dejected in life, read through your greeting cards to know how much people love you. Happy Card Reading Day.”
Card Reading Day Messages for Boyfriend
“Sending you a reminder my love to spend some time reading the cards I had sent you in all these years. Happy Card Reading Day.”
“To my dearest boyfriend, I am wishing a very Happy Card Reading Day. Relive those special days and moments with reading our old greeting cards.”
“Gone are the days when cards were in fashion and Card Reading Day reminds us all that it was indeed a beautiful time. Happy Card Reading Day.”
Card Reading Day Messages for Girlfriend/ Wife
“A very Happy Card Reading Day to my wife. Walk down the memory lane reading the lovely greetings we had exchanged.”
“Reading the greeting cards always brings a smile on to our faces and happiness to our hearts. Warm wishes on Card Reading Day to you my sweet girlfriend.”
“Wishing a very Happy Card Reading Day to you my dear. Make the most of this wonderful day reading the most beautiful lines I wrote for you.”
Card Reading Day Greeting Messages for friends
“Greeting cards are a beautiful expression and on Card Reading Day, enjoy reading them again and again to cherish our friendship. Happy Card Reading Day.”
“Wishing a very Happy Card Reading Day to you my friend. These greeting cards remind us of the wonderful journey we had together.”
“Every card that I have presented to you was an expression of my feelings. On Card Reading Day, experience all that feelings again.”
Card Reading Day Greeting Messages for Husband
“Warm wishes on Card Reading Day to you my husband. If you wish to know how much I have loved you over the years, read through my cards.”
“There are not mere papers but they are cards with my feelings. Wishing a very Happy Card Reading Day to my husband.”
“We may not touch them for months but today is the day to take them out and read them to feel extra special. Happy Card Reading Day.