Funny Engagement Messages for Daughter

Funny Engagement Messages for Daughter

Funny humorous engagement wishes can be sent through cards where the parents can draw a funny character on the card with the funny engagement wish on it. One can also create a funny engagement wish video clip and send it to the daughter on her engagement. This would bring a smile on her face and would make her happy.

Below are some sample funny engagement messages that you can send to your daughter.

1). Congratulations on your engagement my dear daughter. You now have found whom you will irritate, fight and get angry with.

2). Finally you are engaged dear daughter. I need not worry about your demands anymore. You can ask your fiancé for whatever you need.

3). I hope your fiancé can be able handle you’re complaining and demanding nature. Congratulations on your engagement dear daughter.

4). So you are finally engaged. I always thought you would never find the perfect one as you had been dating for so long with so many boyfriends. Anyways, happy engagement.

5). It’s time to be a prisoner my dear daughter. You are ready to surrender your freedom to your fiancé. Happy Engagement.

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