Funeral Messages for Christians

Funeral Messages for Christians

The funeral messages for Christians are sent to Christian people who have lost any family member or loved ones. The funeral messages are sent to show sympathy and comfort the grieved one during the funeral of the person who passed away. The funeral wishes can be sent through cards with condolence notes and comfort messages for the funeral. One can also send funeral wishes through emails or letters for the Christian family members. In addition to that, sending a funeral wishes video clip sermons with condolence notes and funeral wishes recording on a DVD can also be sent to the Christian family to comfort them during their grief. Some of the samples of funeral messages for Christian examples are given below:

Funeral Messages for Christian Woman

Funeral messages for the Christian woman are sent for the family members of the family of the Christian woman who might have passed away. The funeral wishes are sent to the family members to comfort them for the funeral of the Catholic Christian woman. The messages can be sent through letters or cards for the family.

“I am deeply saddened with the news of the death of the lovely Christian woman whom I always look forward to meet. I send all my condolence and funeral wishes for the family and hope her soul rest in eternal peace as she is laid to rest on her funeral.”

Funeral Message for Non Christian

Funeral wishes can also be sent to non Christian people and families as they prepare for the funeral of their loved one who has departed to Heaven. The funeral wishes can be sent through cards or through text messages for the family members.

“With grief and sorrow on the loss of your beloved son, I send all my condolences and funeral wishes for the non Christian funeral of him and pray to God to give eternal peace to his soul. He has not left but earned a place in Heaven and will always be in our hearts.”

Funeral Flower Messages for Christian

Funeral wishes can be accompanied by funeral flowers which are placed as a wreath on the coffin as the dead person is laid to rest. The funeral flowers preferred are generally white and one can also send cards or condolence notes along with the flowers in the funeral.

“I pray to Lord to give your beloved peace in Heaven and send funeral flower wreath and condolences for the family members. I hope you all get strength to pass this difficult time.”

Sample Miscellaneous funeral messages for Christian:

“With funeral flowers for the departed being, I send my condolences and funeral wishes for the family members of the Christian fellow I knew so well. I am deeply saddened for the loss of the true friend.”

“With grief, I send funeral flowers and condolences for the non Christian funeral of your loved one. Your brother was a great human being filled with compassion and respect for all. Your brother will ever be in our hearts.”

“For the funeral of the sweet Christian woman I knew, I send condolences and funeral wishes for the family members and pray to God to give her eternal peace to her soul. She will always be in our hearts. “

“Through the funeral flowers and notes, I send my condolences and funeral wishes for the funeral of the lovely Christian woman. I pray to the Lord to bless her with eternal peace.”

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