The husband can send funeral cards with love notes for the wife as she is laid to rest during her funeral. Through the funeral card, the husband can write letters of love for the wife where he can share the lovely memories they have and can also send flowers for the wife along with it.
Below are some of sample funeral card messages that you can send to your wife.
1). Through this funeral card, my wife, I send my love and remember all the memories you left with me. I will always miss you, my lovely wife. I pray to Lord to bless you with eternal peace.
2). My wife, through this funeral card, I send all my love you and I share all the lovely memories you left with me. I pray to Lord to give you peace always.
3). This funeral card message comes to you with love, my lovely wife. I will always cherish all the memories you gave me and you will always be sincerely missed. May Lord bless you with peace wherever you are.
4). I send this funeral card message for you my wife to let you know that you are deeply remembered by me. I will never forget the lovely times I have spent with you. I pray to Lord to bless you with eternal peace.
5). I send my love for you my wife through this funeral card message. I pray to Lord to bless you peace always wherever you are.