The cute sorry wishes for the lover can be sent through text messages to the girlfriend lover and are written with chosen cute love filled words for him or her. The funny wishes bring a sense of cheerfulness to the lover and make him or her forgive the sender.
Some of the excellent samples of cute sorry messages for lover are listed below to choose from:
1). Dear lover, I hope you will forgive a special person of your life like me and accept my apology. I would make it up to you for the wrongdoing and send you the sorry wish.
2). For sweet lover, our relationship has stood all times and it would sail by this hurdle too. I seek forgiveness from you and hope you accept my sorry and grant my wish.
3). Through this text, I say sorry for my wrongdoing my sweetheart lover. I am much ashamed at my wrongdoing but promise to rectify it and shower you with more love to follow.
4). This text carries sorry wish for my dear lover with gifts for her. You are a beautiful and special person of my life and I hope you will forgive me to rectify it in time.
5). For beautiful lover, I am sorry for the hurt I have caused you and see forgiveness. I am sure you would grant my wish and look forward to spending the best moment on our anniversary tomorrow.