The death of a child would leave any parent utterly devastated and broken. The child is their love and hopes to carry on their family heir and as such, the death of the child is a major loss. Relatives and friends send condolences for the loss of the child through text messages to console them during the tough time. The wishes can also be sent with loving notes to lessen their grief and sadness.
Some of the fascinating samples of condolence message for the loss of the child to send to the parent are given below:
1). For dear friend, I am utterly sad for the loss of your son and send my condolences for the same. I hope Lord gives you strength and courage to travel through this rough time and overcome soon.
2). Dear cousin, I am much sad to hear the news of the death of your daughter due to illness and I send my heartfelt condolences. I hope you get all the love and support you need at this time.
3). For loving sister, condolences on the death of your child. I am much shocked to hear the news and I send my love and hope you sail through this rough patch soon.
5). Condolence wishes for the loss of your child through this text. Have faith in the Almighty and He would sail you through this difficult time.
5). Loving condolences for the death of your son, my friend. I am much sad to hear the news and hope you have the strength to pass this grief soon.
6). Through this text, I send my condolences for the loss of your daughter. I pray to the Lord to bless you with courage to overcome the loss and the grief.