Old friends, when they meet after a long time celebrates their friendship well. An old friend has a special place in one’s heart and is always the closer one to the heart. The welcome wishes for old friends can be sent through text messages or cards for the old friends.
Given below are samples of best welcome messages to forward to old friends with affection when they arrive:
1). Welcoming my old friend to my humble home. My abode has changed a lot since you last visited but I hope you feel comfortable in the new environment.
2). Welcome wishes for my old friend with love. It’s been days since I saw last and am very happy to have you today beside me.
3). I welcome my old friend with gifts and good wishes. You do have changed drastically since we last met though I am happy that we always remained friends throughout the times.
4). We welcome our old friend to the neighborhood. I hope you would continue to be there for the play times just like earlier days when we used to hang out together.
5). With much love, I welcome my old friend to our club. Do avail the facilities of co curricular programmes in the guild and be an active member of it.