Spiritual Love Messages for Parents

Parents Spiritual Love Messages

Parents are the two most important people in your life. Your life revolves around their happiness and you can never grow old for them. It is the most beautiful relationship which is full of unconditional love and affection. Use the sample spiritual love messages for expressing your lovely heart touching thoughts to your parents. Use these divine messages that help you add an element of spirituality to your feelings.

1). There is no relationship as beautiful and as pure as that between a parent and a child. Dear mom and dad, you are the assets of my life, the gifts of God. Love you.

2). I would always thank the Almighty for giving me this life because I have you both as my parents. You are truly the best parents. Thanks a lot for giving me the best life I could have asked for.

3). My life is incomplete with you mom and dad. You two are like the angles of God, sent on earth to love me, protect me and be there as my strength through tough times. Love you both.

4). Dear Mom and Dad, thanks for making my life so beautiful and full of happiness. I thank God for giving me the best parents in the world who have always supported me and loved me.

5). When I look at both of you, I see God. When you are around, l feel so protected and pampered. Words are not enough to thank Him for giving me such wonderful parents.

6). Life is worthy and wonderful with parents like you. From the deepest of my heart, I sincerely thank Almighty for showering my life with your presence, your love and affection.

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  • Grita munyori stephen June 30, 2016, 6:33 pm

    Wow i love you people
