National Adoption Day is observed annually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. This day is dedicated for spreading awareness for adoption and also working on raising funds in order to support families in the process of adoption. National Adoption Day 2024 is here and it is a reminder that thousands of children are waiting in foster care for permanent families. Cute and funny adoption messages are a beautiful way of wishing birth moms. You can select from amazing adoption slogans to write on adoption cards for children or inspiring adoption sayings from the bible. There are also pet adoption text message and quotes for adoptees that beautifully bring out the essence of this act of kindness. You can even write adoption quotes and poems to wish adoptees using adoption cards congratulations messages. These adoption words work as strong source of inspiration for them.
Here is a unique collection of National Adoption Day Congratulations message, Adoption Slogans, Adoption Sayings and Adoption quotes for birth mothers to send across warm wishes on this special day.
Adoption Quotes for Adoptive Parents
“You don’t become a parent when you bear a child but you become a parent when you witness his life, each and every moment of his life.”
“Adopting a child is a matter of faith which gives you all the strength to walk the unknown road with smiles, happiness and courage.”
Inspirational Short Adoption Quotes and Sayings
“Adoption is when a child grows in the heart of a mother and not in her body….. Best wishes to you on this special day.”
“Never ask who does the child belong to but ask who belongs to the child.”
Funny Adoption Quotes
“You can always tell the crowd that they are not your parents when they do something embarrassing….. That’s the fun of being adopted.”
“When you are adopted, you better not piss your parents off because they might start to look out for Return Policy!!!”
Happy Adoption Day Messages, Congratulations Messages
1. No matter how motherhood comes to you…. it is always special and always wonderful. Thank God for this beautiful miracle that has come into your life as the most special blessing.
2. No children in this world is unwanted, it is just that he has not yet found his family.
3. Adoption is a challenging process but it is worth every effort you make, every fight you have witnessed… Fortunate are those who find their families in these fights.
4. A mother is always a mother as there is nothing like a real mother or an adoptive mother.
5. It is a beautiful equation of destiny and when it comes into play… you never realize when these children become a part of your family and win a special place in your heart… it is pure magic and blessed destiny.
6. You don’t become a parent by bearing a child but you become a parent when you begin to witness a child grow, participate with him in everyday things and share your life with him.
7. Adopting one child will not bring a big change in the world but it will surely change the world of that one child in the most beautiful way.
8. A birth mother always puts the needs of her baby before and above what her heart desires… it is her love for her child that makes her sacrifice all the comforts.
9. Never ask to whom the child belongs but always ask that who belongs to the child as a baby is an angel from God.
10. Only a strong heart with the power to love has the power to adopt a child… it is not for the faint hearted, it is for the ones who have the ability to love and love unconditionally.
11. Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.
12. Warm congratulations on adopting the baby… May this child fill your life with new hopes and beautiful moments of happiness and glory and you give this cute little bundle of joy a wonderful life ahead… Celebrate this day like a new beginning!!!!