The sad break up messages for the boyfriend lets him now about the mutual breakup of the romantic relationship between the girlfriend and the boyfriend and also expresses the sad feelings about the break up by the girlfriend. The girl expresses her sadness over the break up through the wishes. Sad breakup messages convey the breakup and the sadness related to it.
Below are some sample break up text messages that you can send to your boyfriend.
1). It’s difficult to say goodbye to someone with whom you fell in love. But we need to end this here and you very well know the reason too. Even though it hurts, I guess this is the right thing to do. Goodbye!
2). My heart hurts to say you goodbye because I never expected this to happen so soon. But what has to happen will happen. Goodbye dear!!
3). Loving you was easy and now forgetting you will be very difficult. Things have come to a point where breaking up with you is the only solution. Goodbye for now and for forever!!!
4). My love for you was unconditional and you were always my priority in life. But now things have changed and I want to break up with you. Its not that I hate you but just because my heart has stopped loving you.
5). You were very special to me but the love between us has gone now. We should not blame each other for this. I hope you understand what I mean to say. It’s hard for both of us but we need to move on. Goodbye dear!!