15+ Patriots Day Messages, Quotes, Best Status & Greetings

Patriot Day Wishes Quotes and Messages

Patriot Day falls on 11th September every year. It is on this date that the devastating incident of Nine-Eleven took place when the airplane collided with the famous Twin Towers and thousands of people lost their lives in the year 2001. Since then this date is remembered and celebrated as Patriots Day in United States of America. Wish your family and friends on Patriot Day by sending them warm wishes in form of messages and quotes. We bring to you a wonderful collection of USA Patriot Day wishes, Quotes, Sayings, Wishes, Greetings, Whatsapp Status Images, Pictures, Patriot Day Slogans and Patriot Day messages 2024. Use these heartfelt patriotic messages to wish people in your social circle like Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.

Patriot Day Wishes Messages

1. Salute to all those men who love their country not because it is a wonderful nation but because it is their own nation….. A very Happy USA Patriot Day!!!

2. USA Patriot Day is a day of celebration for we all support our nation and love it…. For we love harmony and peace!!!

3. Memory is just a beautiful way of holding on to things that you have always loves, remembering the things that you never want to lose. Today is the day to remember all those who diet in Twin attack and always keep them alive in our memories. Happy Patriot Day to you.

4. America will always honor and remember every life that was lost in 9/11…. We will always keep them alive in our prayers because those souls died because of terrorism. On this auspicious day of Patriot Day, let us hold a silence of 2 minutes in memory of all those people.

5. Patriot Day is the reminder that we all must stand against terrorism and fight for the harmony and peace of the world because such brutal and vulgar people who killed innocent men, women and kids can never win over love and peace. Wishing you a very Happy Patriot Day.

6. No war can be won by killing…. No man can be a king without the love of his countrymen…. No terrorist can win this world with his terror… Patriot Day is the reminder that we all are bonded with love and united with harmony. Best wishes to you on Patriot Day.

7. Simply calling yourself a patriot does not make you a patriot… wearing a flag pin on your collar doesn’t not express love for your nation. Fighting for your country….. working for the development of your nation makes you a real patriot. Wishing you a very Happy Patriot Day.

8. Today is the day dedicated to all those who love their country… who work for their country and who feel the pain of their countrymen. Let us remind ourselves of the dreadful incident of 9/11 and promise ourselves to never surrender to the wrong. Warm wishes on Patriot Day to you.

9. Only the real patriot loves his country for real…. Only he can make sacrifices for the nation…. Only he can live up to the expectations of the country….. only he can understand the real meaning of independence. Wishing such a patriot a Happy Patriot Day.

10. With a heavy heart and moist eyes, let us remember every smiling face that was put to death…. With our hands folded in prayers, let us remember every life lost to the incident of 9/11. Today is the day to remind ourselves that we can never let such incidents happen. Happy Patriot Day.

11. Violence is the never the right way of achieving peace and harmony. Peace can only be attained by mutual understanding and cooperation. Let us promise each other to restore the lost peace with our combinaed efforts. Wishing you a very Happy Patriot Day.

12. It takes strength to stand up and speak your mind and it also takes strength to sit and listen. Let us remember the lives lost in the dreadful incident of 9/11 by promising to never surrender to terrorism and negative energies. Sending warm wishes to you on Patriot Day 2024.

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USA Patriot Day 2024 Quotes, Sayings, Slogans

13. Remembering and saluting the courage and compassion of all the Americans who have contributed to the country….. Best wishes on USA Patriot Day!!!

14. No man is dead until he is forgotten and we will always keep our patriots alive in our memories….. Sending warm wishes on USA Patriot Day.

US Patriot Day 2024 Facebook Messages and Whatsapp Status

15. In the memory of all those whom we have lost, wishing Happy USA Patriot Day!!!

16. The best colours are that of patriotism and best day for every American is USA Patriot Day.

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  • Emily Jo Brown August 22, 2023, 2:50 pm

    Thank you for all your service to help and protect us.

  • mairim September 11, 2023, 2:12 pm

    thank your for risking your lifes for us

  • Jaiden September 11, 2023, 2:14 pm

    Thank you for protecting us and keeping us safe

  • Austin September 11, 2023, 2:14 pm

    Salute to all those men who love their country not because it is a wonderful nation but because it is their own nation….. A very Happy USA Patriot Day!!!

  • Ty'lazia September 11, 2023, 2:15 pm

    thank you for helping people stay safe during 9/11 and risking your life to help others. Thank you for helping keep the country safe.

  • Adrian September 11, 2023, 2:15 pm

    thank you for your service, thanks for being there when everybody was scared.

  • Eman Raza September 11, 2023, 2:17 pm

    Thank you you for protecting us that really meant a lot to me to my family since my dad was there when it happened; he lived there for 25 or 26 years. So thank you for your services and your help in the whole community.

  • Seren September 11, 2023, 5:43 pm

    Thank you, to the people who sacrificed their lives in the tower to save others, to the people on the flight of 93 to save more , and everyone who contributed to help this. Happy patriot day!!!

  • Emma September 11, 2024, 2:56 pm

    Thank you for your service and protecting the American people and trying your best not to let people die.

  • Henry September 11, 2024, 3:03 pm

    Thank you for all the help you have done for our country.
