The love break up messages for the husband lets the husband know about the ending of the love between the husband and the wife. The funny break up messages is sent through text messages and shows the end of the love feelings they shared between them.
The love break up messages to husband conveys the love that has ended between husband and wife. Sample text messages are given below.
1). I have never loved anyone the way I loved you my husband. You were my reason to live and love. I still love you but I hate you for breaking my heart.
2). I will always cherish the times I spent with you and the dreams we saw together. Those were the happiest moments of our life. I don’t know how I will forget you but there’s nothing I can do to save our relation.
3). This is to let you know that we have come to an end to our relationship. I had always loved you and expected the same from you. It’s unfortunate that you did not value my presence in your life.
4). We were deeply in love with each other and so we decided to get married. But the understanding we should have did not exist. This is why I have decided to end our marriage and I hope you agree with this.
5). I no longer want to be in a relationship with you, my husband. The love we shared has ended and so our relationship. I don’t have any reason to carry on this relationship. I hope you will accept this as well.