Chakri Day is an official holiday in Thailand which commemorates the establishment of Chakri Dynasty. This day falls every year on April 6th and celebrates the contribution of the kings of Chakri dynasty to the country. Celebrate this important day with Chakri Day messages and greetings. Share with everyone the Chakri Memorial Day wishes and quotes.
We have come up with a unique collection of Happy Chakri Day wishes images, Whstapp Status, Quotes and Chakri Memorial Day messages with everyone around.
Happy Chakri Day Messages, Greetings, Wishes and Quotes
Happy Chakri Day to everyone. We are thankful to all the kings of Chakri dynasty who have served our country for so many years.
The occasion of Chakri Day gives all of us the chance to express our gratitude to the kings who have always made us proud. Happy Chakri Day.
Warm wishes on the occasion of Chakri Day. Let us celebrate this day by recognizing the wonderful work done by our kings for all of us.
We are truly blessed to be born in a country with such inspiring kings and leaders. Thanking them all on the occasion of Chakri Day.
Our country would have been something else had our kings not been so inspiring and patriotic. Thank you to our kings and Happy Chakri Day to all.
The occasion of Chakri Day reminds each one of us of the wonderful contributions of Chakri kings towards our country and our people. Happy Chakri Day.
Wishing a very Happy Chakri Day to all. This day must be celebrated with high spirits as our gesture to thank all our kings from Chakri dynastry.
The future of any country is in the hands of its leaders and we are very fortunate to have such loving and amazing kings who led us. Happy Chakri Day.
Wishing everyone on the occasion of Chakri Day. This day always inspires us to always be like our kings, full of patriotism and action.
Happy Chakri Day to everyone. The perfect way to thank our leaders would be by doing things that will always bring prosperity and glory to our country.