The relationship with your coworker is professional, but sometimes you share a beautiful friendly relation with your colleagues. When you know the person working with you is leaving, it definitely makes you sad. To make the moments alive with the colleagues, a going away message brings back the memories, you share with your colleagues. The words of the message present your emotion and express it beautifully to the colleagues.
A list of sweet a nice going away message samples for coworker is given below:
1). My all best wishes are always with you and may you achieve everything what you desire. It is true the work without you, will be boring, but I always remember you. You never say no to me in anything and you my friend and coworker both. All the best for your journey.
2). You are the smile in the pressure, you are the reliever in the stress and you are the friend always. Working with you gives me the enjoyment and fun and I am really going to miss you. Be always the same as you are now and all the best.
3). Many people come and go in our life, but a few ones make place in heart forever. You are among those, I always remember you. You always support me and encourage me to do the best. The work without you will be bored one.
4). Without you, no game in break, no fun at work, no joke in pressure and no life in office. It is rare to find a good friend in coworker, but you make it possible. I wish you scale many highs in your journey ahead. All the best.
5). There is a great journey waiting for you with full of success and achievements. But today I have a mix feeling to bid you goodbye as my heart is crying for you and shouting in me that not to let you go. ”
6). Wish you the best of luck for your future. You are more like a friend than a coworker to me who always stay by my side and help me in my need. Even in the worst, your smile and never give up attitude inspire me a lot. Thank you.