Birthday Message for Best Friend Far Away

Birthday Wishes For Far Away Friends

Best friends may be living in different places far away from each other, be it for studies, official work location or any other purpose. A best friend living far away can be wished through a text message or a video message sent through the social networking site or one can also send a card through post to the friend.

Samples of Beautiful birthday message for best friend far away are given below:

1). For my best friend living far away, I extend my heartfelt wishes for arriving at my birthday party from such a long distance. You really made my celebration much special.

2). Dearest best friend living far away, this text carries love and thankful wishes for your birthday wishes you sent to me through cards. I feel really special having you as a friend.

3). For a sweet friend living far away, I hope you are doing well and I send this text to invite you to the birthday party of my son to be held next Tuesday. I would love you to arrive at my party.

4). Lovely best friend far away, I thank you for being there at my birthday party and making it more special. It is a real gesture that you made it all the way to the celebration and making it a good one.

5). Dearest best friend living far away, I extend my love and heartfelt wishes for you and invite you to the birthday party at my residence. I would love you being there at my celebration.

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