When is Lohri 2025? Lohri is the time of festivities, especially in Punjab when people come together and engage in…
Every year 22nd September is celebrated as National White Chocolate Day. This day is dedicated to all the white chocolate…
Every year, Daffodil Day is celebrated across different countries on different days. In Australia, it will be celebrated on 22…
When is Friendship Day 2024? Happy Friendship Day Wishes 2024: Friendship Day falls every year on the first Sunday of…
Celebrate friendship on World’s Close Friends Day which is celebrated every year on 30th July. It was first proposed in…
7th July is celebrated as World Chocolate Day around the world. 7th July marked completion of 465 years since chocolate…
Have the most motivating International Yoga Day wishes shared with your loved ones. With the newest collection of original Yoga…
Friendship is the most beautiful association. June 8th is Best Friend’s Day is the day which celebrates the bond of…
The Easter wishes for friends and family are sent to the friends and their families on Easter. The wishes are…
Easter greetings are wishes for the friends sent through greetings cards. The Easter greetings greet the friends to make them…
The best friends are the closest of all friends with whom all secrets are shared with. The best friends are…
Celebrate the occasion of Easter with your friends with religious Easter messages to share with them. Share with them Easter…
Palm Sunday is observed every year on the first day of the Holy Week. It is celebrated on the Sunday…
March 8th is celebrated as International Women’s Day. The day which is dedicated to the women, who shape our lives…
Guru Ravi das was born in fifteenth century (1377-1527). His Jayanthi is celebrated as his birthday on Magh Purnima, the…
Greeting cards have always been very special because they express the emotions and feelings in words in a beautiful way…